I am a PhD student at the Logic Group at Gothenburg University supervised by Graham Leigh and Bahareh Afshari. My research lies in the area of cyclic proof theory with specific interest in the soundness conditions of cyclic derivation systems. More generally, I am interested in the exploration of reasonably strong foundational systems (i.e. at least an arithmetic) by means of proof theory and the methods of (constructive) reverse mathematics. I am also very fond of constructive type theory and non-economic game theory.

Before I began my PhD, I obtained a Master’s degree in Logic at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation of the University of Amsterdam and a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Saarland University.

Outside of academic pursuits, I am an avid athlete. As it stands, I mainly climb and boulder. I also enjoy hiking, road cycling, running and swimming.


If you want to contact me you can do so via email. I am also on the fediverse at @dw@mathstodon.xyz.